Shipwright v0.13.0 Is Here

Update 2024-07-09: added Operator installation instructions

After months of diligent work, just in time for cdCon 2024, we are releasing our v0.13.0 release. This significant milestone incorporates a bunch of enhancements, features and bug fixes. Here are the key highlights:

Action Required

After upgrading from v0.12.0 to v0.13.0, you can run the following two commands to remove unnecessary permissions on the shipwright-build-webhook: kubectl delete crb shipwright-build-webhook && kubectl delete cr shipwright-build-webhook

We switched our CRDs storage version to v1beta1. We strongly advise users to migrate to our v1beta1 API, as we intend to deprecate v1alpha1 in a future release. Note that the v1alpha1 still served for all CRD’s.


Build Output Timestamp

SHIP 0037 is now implemented. Users can make use of the Build .spec.output.timestamp to explicitly set the resulting container image timestamp.

Tekton v1 API Adoption

Our Shipwright controllers now use the Tekton v1 API when working with TaskRuns. See PR.

API Changes

Switch Storage Version to v1beta1

The storage version for all CRD’s has been switched to v1beta1. Concurrently, our Shipwright controllers have been updated to use this updated API version. The v1alpha1 version continues to be supported.

Beta API Changes

We’ve implemented minor adjustments to the existing v1beta1 API for the sake of consistency, incorporating feedback gathered from the v0.12.0 release. These are:

  • Renaming certain Go Types, such as build.Spec.Source.GitSource to build.Spec.Source.Git, aligning them with their respective JSON tags.
  • Designating build.Spec.Source.Type and buildRun.Spec.Source.Type as mandatory, addressing usability concerns raised by users.
  • We made build.Spec.Source optional. Enabling the definition of a Build without any source. This feature proves valuable particularly when executing a Build only with local source.
  • Requiring build.spec.source.git.url upon the specification of build.spec.source.git.

Further details can be found in PR 1504 and PR 1441.


Conversion Webhook

As the usage of the webhook increased over the last months, we’ve made enhancements to address certain gaps:

  • Previously, there was an issue with the proper conversion of BuildRuns from v1alpha1 to v1beta1 when a generated service account was utilized. This has been resolved.
  • Additionally, a bug was identified where patching a completed v1beta1 BuildRun would inadvertently remove its status. This issue has been resolved.


When implementing prevention measures against path traversal during the extraction of an OCI artifact, we were too strict. We only needed to prevent /../ because this means to go one directory up. We still must allow .. because a directory or file can contain two subsequent dots in its name. You can now use files and directories with two subsequent dots in its name when using an OCI artifact as source.


When a Build with an unknown strategy kind is defined, the Build validation triggers. However, it was failing to update the Build status to Failed, resulting in an endless loop during reconciliation. This issue has been resolved.


Dependabot updates play a crucial role in keeping our go dependencies current with CVE’s. Building upon this, we’ve recently implemented a similar automation to streamline the process of updating our CI Github actions, see PR 1516.

Furthermore, we have been consistently updating all of our Build tools, such as ko and buildpacks, using our custom automation, ensuring that our Strategies remain on the latest versions.

It’s worth noting that our minimum supported Kubernetes version is now 1.27, while the minimum Tekton version is 0.50.*.

Additionally, Shipwright Build is now compiled with Go 1.21


Our general Roadmap and Adopters doc has been updated.

Installing Shipwright


  1. Install Tekton v0.50.5:

    kubectl apply --filename
  2. Install v0.13.0 using the release YAML manifest:

    kubectl apply --filename --server-side
    curl --silent --location | bash
  3. (Optionally) Install the sample build strategies using the YAML manifest:

    kubectl apply --filename --server-side



curl --silent --fail --location | tar xzf - shp.exe
shp version
shp help


curl --silent --fail --location$(uname -m).tar.gz | tar -xzf - -C /usr/local/bin shp
shp version
shp help


curl --silent --fail --location "$(uname -m | sed 's/aarch64/arm64/').tar.gz" | sudo tar -xzf - -C /usr/bin shp
shp version
shp help


To deploy and manage Shipwright Builds in your cluster, first ensure the operator v0.13.0 is installed and running on your cluster. You can follow the instructions on OperatorHub.

Next, create the following:

kind: ShipwrightBuild
  name: shipwright-operator
  targetNamespace: shipwright-build