Shipwright v0.11.0 Is Here

Shipwright is back with the v0.11.0 release. It is mostly a maintenance release without new features:

  • We updated dependencies to mitigate security vulnerabilities.
  • We updated our images to be based on the new Red Hat Universal Base Image 9 Minimal.
  • We updated build strategy tools as usual. This includes a fix that re-enabled the ko build strategy. Congratulations to them for moving into the own organization. It is a great build tool that we do not just provide a sample for, but also use in our own builds.

Behind the scenes we are working on streamlining our API objects. As a first step, we deprecate the following fields:

  • In Builds, spec.sources is deprecated. We will consolidate supporting a single source for a Build under spec.source. Also, HTTP sources are deprecated because we think that the focus that secure software supply chain brings, does not match with artifacts that are loaded from an HTTP endpoint.
  • In Builds, spec.dockerfile and spec.builder are deprecated. Those fields were introduced at the very beginning of this project to support relevant build strategies. But, those fields only relate to specific build strategies. Since a couple of releases, we support strategy parameters for that purpose where we will move to.
  • In BuildRuns, spec.serviceAccount.generate is deprecated. We think that the adhoc generation of service accounts does not fit very well in Kubernetes’ security principals and will therefore move away from that concept.

Installing Shipwright


  1. Install Tekton v0.38.3:

    kubectl apply -f
  2. Install v0.11.0 using the release YAML manifest:

    kubectl apply -f
  3. (Optionally) Install the sample build strategies using the YAML manifest:

    kubectl apply -f



curl --silent --fail --location | tar xzf - shp.exe
shp version
shp help


curl --silent --fail --location$(uname -m).tar.gz | tar -xzf - -C /usr/local/bin shp
shp version
shp help


curl --silent --fail --location "$(uname -m | sed 's/aarch64/arm64/').tar.gz" | sudo tar -xzf - -C /usr/bin shp
shp version
shp help


To deploy and manage Shipwright Builds in your cluster, first make sure the operator v0.11.0 is installed and running on your cluster. You can follow the instructions on OperatorHub.

Next, create the following:

kind: ShipwrightBuild
  name: shipwright-operator
  targetNamespace: shipwright-build
Last modified September 9, 2022: Blog post and release notes for v0.11 (5acf729)