CD Foundation Welcomes Shipwright

We are pleased to announce that Shipwright is officially an Incubating Project under the Continous Delivery Foundation!

The Continuous Delivery Foundation (CDF) seeks to improve the world’s capacity to deliver software with security and speed. Shipwright furthers this mission by making it easy to build cloud native applications on cloud native infrastructure. The CDF is the upstream home for many other open source projects used to deliver software, such as Jenkins, Spinnaker, and Tekton. Together, we look forward to empowering develpers and enabling teams to build, test, and deploy their applications with confidence.

Shipwright @ cdCon 2021

Shipwright was featured prominently at cdCon 2021 - the CDF’s annual developer conference. The event was virutal, and all of the presentations are available on the CDF’s YouTube channel. Be sure to check out the Shipwright sessions: